Vegetarischer Dreiklang

VEGETATION ist Musik im Dreiklang aus Vegetarismus-Antinatalismus-Atheismus.

Wie kommt es, dass die angeblich so unangepasste Popularmusik in ihren Texten häufig recht gottesfürchtig oder gottergeben daherkommt?

Einen säkulare Alternative bietet das Lied NO GOD von VEGETATION:


Hier der Liedtext von NO GOD:

No God this is: no white Christmas
And no more wars

No God it seems has made the good things
And there’s no hell, and there’s no hell, and there’s no hell

God is just a word so fine to make us people toe the line
and what is more:
God is just a metaphor for man-made things we’d known before, unveil you mind

God is just a better tool to morph us into passive fools

The world theatre is bad, a creator:
Isn’t that mad?

From my perspective a god just is this
A tyrant of sorts

Some fools use him as tool to trim and keep us in line, so please be so kind as to unveil your mind


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